3 Ways to Obtain Peace During the Holidays

Definition of Peace:
Freedom from disturbance; tranquility
A state or period in which there is no war or war has ended
The holiday time frame can be chaotic, anxiety-ridden but also joyful and filled with nostalgic peace. Holidays at least for me have been all the things above, but it wasn’t always that way. Let’s take it back over a decade ago. Do you remember how the holidays felt when you were a child? Man, do I. I remember seeing my grandparents, most of my aunts and uncles, my godparents, and all my cousins and friends. I was excited to spend time with family we don’t normally get time with throughout the year and was excited about the first big snowfall. It seemed like there wasn’t a care in the world, school was out and time seem to slow down.
Organizing can help with keeping the anxiety low during the Christmas holiday
Now that I am an adult and living in a different state than my family, the holidays can be a bit of a challenge. I have to juggle spending time with friends, and the family split between at least 5 houses in a span of one week for Christmas. Trying to balance our schedule with others, making sure everyone feels as important as the last person can get to be quite overwhelming. The only way I find some sense of peace during the holiday season now is to the following:
- Organize and Plan what you can control – organizing can help with keeping the anxiety low during the Christmas holiday. Being able to make a organized plan of all the activites can give you a sense of peace of knowing how much movement will be happening and maybe some activities you need to remove so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
- Plan some self-care activities – The Christmas holiday can call for more energy exerted with activities (i.e. holiday shopping, holiday parties, traveling, etc.). Being able to plan a day or two for just yourself or planning some of your favorite self care activities can help tremendously. It will help to keep you in a calm mental state, give you some silence and gives you a quick social break. This will give you peace of mind. My favorite self-care activity is actually sitting on the floor and planning out my business, travel will all my favorite colored pens 😀
- Enjoy your family and friends – Take the time to enjoy the new holiday memories you are about to make. Take pictures, find something new in your hometown to see, catch up with an old friend or just sit by thef fireplace with the family with a good cup of hot cocoa or a cocktail.
Find your peace this holiday, enjoy family time and have a great holiday!