5 Ways to Start the Reflection Process

Definition of Healing:
The process of making or becoming sound or healthy again
tending to heal; therapeutic
Definition of Journey:
an act of traveling from one place to another
travel somewhere
Healing for me, I think was typical, but it was so strange to me. In my mind, I didn’t think I could ever be healed. At the beginning of my healing journey, it seemed impossible to reach but today is what I prayed for and more.
For over a year, I never thought I would be the girl that could be loved by anyone, let alone accomplish my goals that I had been dreaming of. The beginning of my healing journey had to first start to identify who I was at the present moment before I could define what future Courtney would look like.
Celebrate your growth and how far you have come.
C. Bridges
After a few years, it took me a while to understand who Courtney was, how I wanted to grow and some of the things I wanted to accomplish in this lifetime. So each year, I take some time to do some reflection on how far I have come in my healing journey, is there anything I need to focus more on with my healing and where do I want to go next in this journey.
In order to start the reflection process, there are 5 steps I follow:
5 Ways to Start the Reflection Process
- Intentional Set Some Time Aside – pick some time throughout your week that you will plan to do some reflection. Make sure you have time to meditate before and/or after and are in a place without distractions. Don’t forget to bring a journal so you don’t get distracted with apps if you want to make any notes during this process
- What is your topic for reflection? – Definitely recommend picking a portion of your growth that you want to focus on. Going into this can take you in all different directions so if you have a topic you want to focus on, it will help you revert back to the main purpose of the reflection time.
- Determine the timeframe for reflection – this is important. Sometimes, it is necessary to reflect on your whole past to understand patterns, and other times it is important to focus your reflection on the past quarter. Pick a point in the past you want to revisit and reflect on. This timeframe is dependent on Step 2.
- Meditate & Reflect – I always start my reflection process with meditation. It allows me to calm my mind, pray and get myself focused. Sometimes my reflection process is actually a full 30 meditation so I can visualize during that time and then take at least 10 minutes to note everything down. This is your time to figure out how it is best for you to reflect. Some meditate, journal, whiteboard, or take a walk through nature. Do what is best for you.
- End with Gratitude and Celebration – take the time to be grateful for the growth and celebrate the wins that brought you to the present day. Take yourself out to do something you love or buy your favorite meal/dessert.
The month of April, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, always has me thinking about my healing journey and the progress I have made vs the healing that is still needed. It also is the time I take to reflect on my healing. As I take the time during April to reflect on my healing, I go into the month of May ready to tackle new challenges that will help my mental health in the long run. I hope these 5 steps help you start to think about reflection on your own healing journey and get you started.