Fall is the Season of Change and Growth

I absolutely love when October comes each year, not just because I was born at the beginning of the month but it signifies fall and the change of seasons. Fall is the start of shedding those things that are no longer serving you any good or connected to you in anymore. A time of starting to let things go/die out/change. What is interesting about this year, I noticed we had a full moon and a new moon within the Libra season. I didn’t realize it was going on but during a lot my reflection times, I was starting to review the changes that have happened not only in the last year but in the last 5 and 10 years, as well as looking inward for more ways to develop peace.
Let me tell you, when I was 18 I would have never imagined my life being the way it is now. I also never imagined me getting to the age of 28. I was suicidal at that age and I never thought I would be loved again or have the confidence to keep moving forward with life. I thought I had no purpose. Change was such a fear of mind and a goal that seemed so far to be even obtained, I avoided it. I preferred to stay in my state of depression and anger than to grow out of it. As things started to change around me, it was inevitable for me to have to change from within. Though it took quite a bit, I learned from those failures and started to grow.
At the start of this month, I dealt with a change must of us deal with: moving. It seems like every time I move, something goes wrong and things went wrong with this move. It didn’t help that during this time, my work had become more hectic and stressful. Things were changing physically and emotionally around me and I was so unbalanced it was nuts. Once I let myself feel those emotions, I had to remind myself on how I need to deal with these new changes.
- Found a way to ground myself – a lot of times I just feel like I am floating around and not stable in one space. I had to get a new yoga mat and just ground myself in this new space (apartment) to collect my thoughts and feelings
- Get back into a routine – I had to make sure I was back to my normal daily routine. That means, making time for journaling, bubble baths, workout routines, yoga practice, etc.
- Start off with a positive mind, especially if you notice a change happening – I realized after I moved that I just kept negative thoughts the whole time and things seem to get worse and worse because I allowed for that to come into my space. My partner however kept thinking positively and saying positive sentences out loud. This has been the hardest thing for me to do, but he constantly reminds me how it can make a situation feel and look better.
Just remember, change will continue to happen around you each and every day. It is all about how you react to that change, whether you want to change with it, and staying positive throughout all of it.

Thank you for sharing this! I have noticed that it has been so challenging to maintain a routine lately, ever since working from home due to the pandemic… and that positive frame of mind is also so hard to maintain! I highly recommend reading Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff.
I am definitely going to have check that book out. Thanks for the recommendation!
Zelda Hunt
Great article and helpful reminders to center ourselves. As we head into daylight saving time with less sun, and cold weather, there will be less opportunities to socialize. Although social distance is necessary, self isolation is not. These tips recommended above will certainly help during these upcoming months.