Defining the Future

The quote above made me realize how much I thought my life would look like at 27 when I was 15 years old, and it didn’t turn out the way I had dreamt. Growing up, I always heard “Tell God your plans and he will laugh” and I thought was such a weird saying, but I’ll tell you I learned you are supposed to go to God with your plans but ask him if that fits his agenda (another discussion for another time). My point is, at 15 before my assault, I had a view of what I thought I would be by age 25. I imagined having my own business, making way over 6 figures, and having my dream house. After my assault, my view of the future changed. I thought I was too broken to be married, not good enough to have my own business, let alone make the money I deserve.
As time went on, I could think too far into my future and focused on where I saw myself in 5 years. Honestly, throughout high school, I thought I was going to get a business degree (I ended up getting a masters in entrepreneurship instead, still technically business), but my physics teacher convinced me to try out engineering. When I graduated, I had always thought I go right into the workforce, but ended up at Michigan. While at Michigan, didn’t think I was going to date at all but ended up falling in love with my husband. Life is funny that way.
As I was always defining my future as I was healing, I had to also learn how to live in the present and not miss the moments I was experiencing. At a young age, I was so focused on what my future self was going to be and how I was going to be so different from my parents and their mistakes, I didn’t realize that the work I do in the present had a huge effect on that. Some of the quick tips I learned on the way keeps me in the present but also partnering with God and my husband about what the future will look like for me and my family.
- It does not hurt to have a plan or yearly goals – each year I have goals that are financial, physical, and marriage related. It doesn’t hurt to make them and write them down, but you should align them (if you believe) with your high power. If you have a spouse/partner, you should make sure you have goals and plans together.
- Be Flexible and Open – sometimes life happens and items get derailed or you get pulled into another path. Be open to a new path that may come about that will take you to your desired dream or future.
- Heal from your Past, Live in your Present – I have learned to have a future that contains peace, you need to learn and heal from your past but enjoy the moments of the present. Take some time to evaluate the past you and the lessons you have learned. Use those lessons in the present and enjoy the moments you are making at this time now
- Make a better you – I started to get into self-help books to increase my strengths, but to also learn my weaknesses and improve upon them. Take the time to improve yourself for what is to come and to be a better person. Some of the help books I have read are The Success Principles, Real Money Answers for Every Woman, and Financial Peace. Some of the ones I am reading now are The Power of Habit and The Buddha and the Badass. Take the time to improve your well-being mentally, just like you take the time to diet and exercise.
If you didn’t learn anything from my post today, there is one thing I want to leave you with. Being present in the moment you are in today and think about your future, but don’t be discouraged when a different path or package comes your way.