What’s your 2022 theme?

Definition of Theme:
The subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person’s thoughts, or an exhibition; a topic
An idea that recurs in or pervades a work of art or literature
2021 was a pretty good year for me. Last year’s theme was all about learning about my history, understanding my ancestors, learning, listening, and gathering knowledge. I took time to really start to reflect on what and who Courtney was in the past decade. I had to look at the decisions I was making that kept me running into the same mistakes and lessons as well as the mindset shift I chose or had to make to move forward into a new age of Courtney.
Some of the lessons I learned this year are:
- Lessons come when you least expect them, learn to ask what I am supposed to learn from this instead of saying “why me?”
- Understanding your past can help to shape how you move in your present day
- Writing down the lessons you learn help you to refer to them when they become relevant
- Sometimes understanding your past can help to eliminate familial curses
- Learning to listen to your intuition (aka your gut) is a skill that needs to be practiced
Giving your year a theme can help you stay focused and be intentional with your actions.
For 2022, it is all about planting seeds, patience, and perseverance. Now that I have taken the time to understand myself and my family, I want to make sure I put the right things in place for my family and our future. This theme will be a bit difficult for me because I can be not so patient since I am always on the go. I have to intentionally take the time to remind myself planting seeds doesn’t mean I am going to see a full-sized plant when I want. I will have to nurture the seed, let it grow at its own place and I still may not get the chance to see it sprout to its full size. The point is to make sure the seeds I plant are intentional and will benefit my family in the future.
With persevering, I’ll have to just keep pushing through. Sometimes I let fear get the best of me, so I’ll have to have practices in place and a support system to keep me going. There may be some difficulties in obtaining my goals or getting through the trials of the year, but I have to remind myself I am strong, wise, and capable of getting through anything thrown my way.
So if you are looking to understand how I get ready for the new year, check out this month’s podcast episode. Also, let’s start to keep each other accountable. Some of my goals for the year are the following:
- Run at least two 10K races beating my best time of 1:20
- Develop a meditation/prayer routine throughout my week
- Host at least 5 virtual cocktail classes before the end of the year (Book Yours Now)
- Make the leap of faith and take the patent exam by September
- Plant a Seed of Faith and Patience; keep moving in my vision even when the doors are closed, open doors come when they are suppose to
Comment below what are some of your goals or your theme for this year! Let’s make 2022 a fulfilling year.